Week 4 - (July 16 - July 22)

Chapters 12-13 Overview

  • Living as Though Jesus Would Come Today
  • Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, and Christ's Kingdom


  • The final exam must be completed by Wednesday July 25, 2018. Please schedule a time between now and then with your Academic Dean to take the exam. 
  • Study guides will be handed out this week.


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.
  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
  • Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
    • 1 Corinthians 15-16
    • 2 Corinthians 1-13
    • Psalms 78-84
    • Watch the Scripture video(s) linked below.
  • Watch the video(s) below.
  • Write a 1-2 page summary about the coming Kingdom. You can use the following as a guide or choose your own topic :
    • What is the Day of the Lord? What does the Bible communicate to us that we should expect to happen?
    • How will it impact believers and unbelievers?
    • What should our lives look like in light of this Biblical truth?
    • How do we know we are in the Last Days?
    • How do we know when the day of the Lord is near? Can we predict it?
    • How do we make sure that we are ready, our churches, and those around us?
    • What is Heaven? Are we going there or is it coming here?
    • What is Hope? What do we have to hope for?


The Day of the Lord

Does God care about all of the evil humans perpetrate in our world, and if so, what is He doing about it? In this video, we trace the different ways that God confronts human evil and the even deeper spiritual evil that underlies it.

Heaven & Earth

What does the Bible really teach about heaven, and what is heaven's relationship to earth? In this video, we explore the surprising biblical viewpoint that heaven and earth were meant to overlap, and how Jesus is on a mission to bring them together once and for all.


In the Bible people who have hope are very different from optimists! In this video, we'll explore how biblical hope looks to God's character alone as a basis for trusting that the future will be better than the present.

2 Corinthians

Watch our Read Scripture video on 2 Corinthians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 2 Corinthians, Paul resolves his conflict with the Corinthians by showing how the scandal of the crucifixion turns our value systems upside-down.

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Week 3 - (July 9 - July 15)

Chapters 10-11 Overview

  • Sickness, Death, and God's Response
  • Fulfillment of the Promise of Divine Healing


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.
  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
  • Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
    • 1 Corinthians 1-14
    • Psalms 71-77
    • Watch the Scripture video(s) linked below.
  • Watch the video on Sacrifice and Atonement below.
  • Write a 1 page summary of the Promise of Divine Healing. You can use the following as a guide or choose your own topic :
    • If you were ministering to a person in need of healing, what Scriptural evidence would you use to explain to them that they can be healed?
    • How do you minister to someone who hasn't received healing but has prayed for it multiple times?
    • What all does the Promise of Divine Healing cover in us? Physical? Spiritual?
    • How does the atonement fit into our healing?


God is on a mission to remove evil from His good world, along with all of its corrosive effects. However, He wants to do it in a way that does not involve removing humans. In this video, we trace the theme of God's "covering" over human evil through animal sacrifices that ultimately point to Jesus and his death and resurrection.



Watch our Read Scripture video on the book of 1 Corinthians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 1 Corinthians, Paul shows the new Christians in Corinth that all of life's most complex problems can be seen through the lens of the gospel.

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Week 2 - (July 2 - July 8)

Chapters 5-9 Overview

  • The Holy Spirit: God's Agent in the World Today
  • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • The Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Leadership Offices and Ministries as Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • The Holy Spirit as a Personal Companion


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.
  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
  • Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
    • Galatians 5-6
    • 1 and 2 Thessalonians
    • James
    • Psalms 64-70
    • Watch the Scripture videos linked below.
  • Watch the video on the Holy Spirit below.
  • Write a 1 page summary of the the person, ministry, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can use the following as a guide or choose your own topic :
    • Who is the Holy Spirit and what role does he play in the Trinity?
    • What role does the Holy Spirit play in salvation?
    • What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    • What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? How are they used? How are they different from the Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit 

In this video, we explore the original meaning of the biblical concept of "spirit" and what it means that God's Spirit is personally present in all of creation. Ultimately, the Spirit was revealed through Jesus and sent out into the lives of his followers to bring about the new creation.

Scripture Videos

1 and 2 Thessalonians

Watch our Read Scripture video on 1 Thessalonians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 1 Thessalonians, Paul directs the persecuted Thessalonian Christians to hope in the future of king Jesus' return who will make all things right.
Watch our Read Scripture video on 2 Thessalonians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul clarified his earlier teachings about Jesus' future return and rebukes the Christians who were disrupting the community.


Watch our Read Scripture video on the book of Galatians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Galatians, Paul challenges the Galatian Christians to stop allowing controversial Torah observances to divide their church's congregation.


Watch our Read Scripture video on the book of James, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, James combines the wisdom of his brother Jesus with the book of Proverbs in his own challenging call to live a life wholly devoted to God.

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Week 1 - (June 25 - July 1)

Chapters 1-4 Overview

  • The Holy Bible: Our Foundation for Faith
  • Salvation: The Only Cure for Fallen Humanity
  • Jesus Christ: God's Gift for Our Salvation
  • Affirming and Maintaining Salvation


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.
  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
  • Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
    • Romans 11-20
    • Galatians 1-4
    • Psalms 57-63
    • Watch the videos on Romans linked below.
  • Watch the video on the Image of God below.
  • Write a 1 page summary of the Doctrine of Salvation. You can use the following as a guide or choose your own topic :
    • What is the relationship between faith and salvation?
    • What role does grace play in salvation?
    • What is the fall of humanity and what role does sin play in salvation?
    • How is the image of God shown in humanity? What happens to the image of God in salvation? How does what you read in the book compare to what you watched in the video about the Image of God?
    • What is the difference between justification, regeneration, and sanctification?
    • Is baptism required for salvation? 

Romans Part 1

Watch our Read Scripture video on the book of Romans, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Paul shows how Jesus created the new covenant family of Abraham through his death and resurrection and the sending of the Spirit.

Romans Part 2

Watch our Read Scripture video on the book of Romans, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Paul shows how Jesus created the new covenant family of Abraham through his death and resurrection and the sending of the Spirit.

The Image of God

This video traces the idea of humans as co-rulers alongside God, who are commissioned to develop the world and its resources and take it into new horizons. How has this human vocation been compromised by our selfishness and evil, and how did Jesus open up a new way of being human through his life, death, and resurrection?

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