Bienvenido F

I grew up in a dysfunctional family, the oldest of 4 children. Both my mother and father were alcoholics and never spoke about the Lord. Despite this, the Lord had his eye on me. I met the the Lord at the age of seven and walked with Him until my forty’s. A painful experience in my life caused me to walk away from the Lord. I lost everything so I turned to drugs to fill the emptiness in my heart for 18 years. God had mercy on me and I found Brooklyn Teen Challenge. Healing has taken place since coming into this program and God has transformed into the man He created; for His purpose. I am learning life Biblical principles and applying them in my life in order to become mentally and emotionally strong in Jesus Christ.

Isaac H

I grew up in foster care so I always had a hole that I was trying with fill with drugs, alcohol, and sexual immorality. My entire life I was running from God until I came to Brooklyn Adult & Teen Challenge, and was introduced personally to his love and grace. When I finally confessed with my mouth and believed in my heart Jesus Christ was my Lord and Savior everything changed for the better. He started to change my heart and mind and I know he will bring it to completion because his word says he will and he’s definitely faithful and trustworthy.

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Mark 8:36

Wayne S

My name is Wayne, I’m 55 and I grew up in a small town in New Jersey and had a great childhood and was raised good by loving parents. Alcohol didn’t play a part in my family life but unfortunately it got a hold of me and I relapsed after 17 years of sobriety. Luckily by God’s will I found BKATC and found out God can work miracles and have been saved by Christ. Today I’m proud to say I celebrated 1 year of sobriety on January 28 Amen and God bless.

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 1:8

Marc C

As a child I was verbally abused by my mother, well into my adulthood. My father worked two jobs and was not around much. At the age of seventeen I started to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana. At the age of twenty-one, I started to use cocaine. I became addicted and my life started to fall apart. I masked my hurt, depression, anger and resentments with drugs and alcohol. I lost many great career opportunities and became unemployable. I sabotaged my life many times while enjoying success from my low esteem. I was raised Catholic and believed in God but thought He abandoned me. It was not until I entered Teen Challenge and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior that I began to heal. God is healing my heart and renewing my mind and I am a child of God.

Josh K

I had a rough childhood a mother who hated men, a father who spent most of his life in prison and gangs. They both decided to take me, my twin sister and older sister away from the big city life, stop the drugs and drinking and give us a better life. They did for the most part. My father tried to love, my mother tried to encourage, there was still damage. I started drinking and drugging at 12 years old. By God’s will never ended up in prison but have been arrested and charged with every charge possible. At 36 I called out to Jesus, asked who he is? 47 years old he sent me to Brooklyn Adult & Teen Challenge where for seven months I have learned Jesus wants me as a drug and alcohol biblical counselor. I am not married or have any children so I will dedicate the rest of my life to Christ here in Brooklyn.

Danny A

As a child I grew up in a dysfunctional but loving household, I was the youngest of five and I was spoiled and protected by both parents and my siblings. I was a shy and introverted sort of kid. The fact that I was sexually molested three times did not help matters any less. My battle with drugs and alcohol did not come into the picture until I was about 30 years old. It was at that time, that I had a 25 year career with crack and meth. The addiction got so bad that I began to lose myself and my true identity in the fallen nature of my sin. When I walked thru the doors of Teen Challenge in 2015, I began to truly have a relationship with Christ Jesus and I began to forgive, love and be the true identity that I had always had in Christ

Roger G

I am from Long Island, I was a drug addict, I was smoking crack cocaine, I lost my marriage, I was a disaster before. When I came to Brooklyn Adult & Teen Challenge my life changed. The devo time, prayer time, read the Bible, I didn’t know it was a Christian Ministry. This center helps me a lot and Jesus change my life. During the center staying I lost my father and that make me stronger the power of Jesus helps me alive and he’s the only one who can save me Amen. My goal is to become a successful Christian.

Tracy R

I was born and raised in New Jersey, the youngest of 10 kids. By the age of 16 I had two young kids and I needed to work to support my kids. I turned to the street life selling drugs and starting carrying guns. I began getting high on drugs which turned to being arrested and locked up for many years. I lost my oldest son in a car accident which weighed on me heavily. I stayed clean for many years and then my wife started using drugs. We went our separate ways. Thru more family tragedy I wound up in a very dark place. I was sitting at a train station when a woman came up to me and said God has His hand on me and asked me to come to a place that would help me. I never looked back and God has been restoring my life ever since.

Jose O

I grew up in a Christian family but during my childhood I experienced a lot of pain and suffering. My parents did the best they could to raise me but we suffered extreme poverty in Guatemala. I left my family at the age of 12 in order to take care of myself at the age of 20 I migrated to the United States. As a result of the emotional pain, I began experimenting with drugs and alcohol. I couldn’t keep a job, a place to live and my wife separated from me and took my son. I had hit bottom. My spiritual leaders led me to Brooklyn Teen Challenge where I have begun to heal and allow God to do a work in my life. My desire is to live the life God called me to live and reunite with family upon successful completion of the program.