WEEK 5 (April 15 - April 22)

Chapters 14-15 Overview

  • Discourgement and Depression

  • It Is the Finishers Who Count


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.

  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.

  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.

  • Watch the Supplemental Videos below and complete the following:

    • 1 page (minimum) reflection on the material. Reflection should contain a summary of material as well as what you as the student learned from the videos. Reflect on how the ethics described impact your life and ministry. Include whether you agree or disagree and why.

  • Final Exam needs to be completed by April 24, 2019. We will extend a couple of days because of Easter.

Supplemental Videos

Question: Lots of churches view the pastorate and the mission field as a higher calling. Business people often view their vocation as second best. What do you say to this? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Does the Bible mandate either socialism or capitalism? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Do good ethics make for good business? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.

WEEK 4 (April 8 - April 14)

Chapters 11-13 Overview

  • Crisis in the Community

  • Integrity

  • Moral Failure


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.

  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.

  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.

  • Watch the Supplemental Videos below and complete the following:

    • 1 page (minimum) reflection on the material. Reflection should contain a summary of material as well as what you as the student learned from the videos. Reflect on how the ethics described impact your life and ministry. Include whether you agree or disagree and why.

Supplemental Videos

Question: In view of Jesus' teaching on the Sermon on the Mount and in 1 Peter, how come every Christian is not a Pacifist? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Isn't denying same-sex marriage unfair? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.

WEEK 2 (March 25 - March 31)

Chapters 5-7 Overview

  • Relationships in the Church

  • Preaching to Connect

  • Ministry Relationship Challenges


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.

  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.

  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.

  • Watch the Supplemental Videos below and complete the following:

    • 1 page (minimum) reflection on the material. Reflection should contain a summary of material as well as what you as the student learned from the videos. Reflect on how the ethics described impact your life and ministry. Include whether you agree or disagree and why.

Supplemental Videos

Question: What do you say about all the technological options to a couple who is wrestling with infertility? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: What would you tell the couple who has two boys and want to make sure they get a girl for their third child about the use of biotechnology in gender selection?
Question: What is the big deal about someone deciding they want to die? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Don't you think capital punishment is barbaric and a holdover from the eye for an eye mentality that Jesus did away with? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.

WEEK 1 (March 18 - March 24)

Chapters 1-4 Overview

  • Personal Relationships

  • The Minister’s Foundation for Relationship

  • Building a Strong Marriage and Family

  • Relationships and Differences


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.

  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.

  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.

  • Watch the Supplemental Videos below and complete the following:

    • 1 page (minimum) reflection on the material. Reflection should contain a summary of material as well as what you as the student learned from the videos. Reflect on how the ethics described impact your life and ministry. Include whether you agree or disagree and why.

Supplemental Videos

Question: Are God's commands the ultimate source for morality? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Why can't we make up our own moral rules? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: When I am in a moral dilemma what do I do? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.
Question: Are you really telling us that a 17-year-old high school student, for whom having the baby would ruin her life, is doing something wrong by having an abortion? Buy the the book: Amazon http://bit.ly/1X7xN9D Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/25I5Eb5 CBD http://bit.ly/1UagylK Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world.