ACTS: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers
A thorough study of the content, purposes, principles, and applications of Acts. The course emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in the early church and today. Attention is given to the geographical, numerical, cultural, and theological growth of the church from Jerusalem to Rome. The journeys of Paul are examined as the background for his epistles.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to
1. Comment on the author, date, setting, structure, and purposes of Acts. Analyze the extent to which Luke's purposes have been fulfilled in your life and church.
2. Relate the sequence, content, and theology of Acts to the rest of the New Testament. Compare the theology of Acts with your theology.
3. Analyze five places in Acts where believers were first filled with the Holy Spirit.
4. Identify the church's problems and solutions in growing from one language and culture to many.
5. Identify the main people, cities, and regions in Acts.
6. Explain how Acts gives the background and setting of several New Testament letters.
7. Trace the steps by which the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Rome.
8. Identify and apply the main reasons for church growth in Acts.
9. Apply the principles of guidance in Acts to making decisions today.
10. Illustrate from Acts that God uses hard times for His purposes. Apply this principle to believers today.
11. Identify and apply some of the missionary principles in Acts.
12. Trace Paul's travels from Antioch to Rome.