Chapters 5-7 Overview
Peter and John Heal a Lame Man
The Growth of the Church
Stephen: What Good Can Come From Trouble?
Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website.
Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
Acts 15-21
Psalms 126-132
Watch the videos on Acts linked below.
Watch the Supplemental Videos on the Holy Spirit below.
VIDEOS CLICK TO SEE MORE LIKE THIS In Acts 1:4, the Apostles recall that Jesus instructed them to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the promised Holy Spirit. In today's Seven Minute Seminary, James Swanson, Bishop of the United Methodist Church, urges the church not to try to lead without God.