WEEK 5 - (Feb - Feb 23)

Chapters 13-15 Overview

  • The Covenants and the Kingdom

  • Timeless, Cross-Cultural, Biblical Principles

  • The Role of the Holy Spirit in Interpreting, Using, and Applying Scripture


  • Read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University Website, which you can access via the link below.

  • Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.

  • Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.

  • Watch the Supplemental Videos below and complete the following:

    • 1 page (minimum) reflection on the material. Reflection should contain a summary of material as well as what you as the student learned from the videos. You should also reflect on how the content of the video can help you in your life and ministry.

    • Assignment needs to be turned in by Friday of each week.

Supplemental Videos

The Bible's main way of talking about God's relationship to humanity is the image of a partnership. This video traces the way God entered into a series of formal relationships with various human partners in order to rescue the world through Jesus, the ultimate covenant partner.
http://seedbed.com What is covenant according to the Bible? In this Seven Minute Seminary, Dr. John Walton explains that a covenant is more than a political agreement, administrative concept, or a promise. In the Old Testament, the covenant is God's initiative to reveal himself so that by knowing God, they might be in relationship with him.