Week 4 - (June 17 - June 24)

Chapters 11-15 Overview

  • The Pastor's Role in Evangelism
  • Evangelism in the Pulpit
  • From Decision to Disciple
  • World Missions
  • The Church in Mission


  • Thoroughly read each chapter. Watch the corresponding teaching videos on the Global University website. (Link below)
  • Answer all Interactive Questions on a separate piece of paper and place the answers in your binder for later study.
  • Complete each Test Yourself on a separate piece of paper with at least a 70%, and place the answers in your binder for later study.
  • Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
    • Psalms 49-56
    • John 13-21
    • Romans 1-10
  • Watch the video on John Part 2 linked below and write a reflection in your binder using the following questions. 
    • What information stood out or was new to you?
    • What were the main points or themes that were highlighted in John Pt 2.?
    • How does the information relate to, or can be used in, evangelism.
  • Write a 1 page summary using the following as a guide:
    • How does the Great Commission fit into your life right now?
    • What type of evangelism do you enjoy most/feel called too and how do you want to use it in your life and ministry?
  • The FINAL EXAM must be completed by Sunday, June 24. Please schedule with your academic dean.
Watch our Read Scripture video on the Gospel of John, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In John, Jesus becomes human as the incarnation of the creator God of Israel, to share His love and the gift of eternal life with the world.

To go to the Global University website; click below: