Chapters 15-17 Overview
- Go
- Worship
- Putting It All Together
- Read each chapter.
- Answer all interactive questions and place the answers in your binder.
- Take Test Yourself quizzes on a separate sheet of paper and place in your binder.
- Follow weekly Scripture reading plan.
- Revelation 10-22
- Psalms 106-112
- Watch any Scripture video(s) linked below.
- Watch the video(s) below.
- Write a 1 page reflection comparing the three churches we looked at this week. You can use the following as a guide:
- Which church do you identify best with and why?
- What are some of the things you can begin to work on now to be the leader that can lead a church like the one you identify with best?
- Any other general reflection.
- Final
- The study guide will be handed out by the end of the week.
- Complete the study guide.
- Complete the final by Wednesday, August 22. Please schedule with you Academic Dean.