Course Description BIB114 Christ in the Synoptic Gospels
This course is an introductory study of our Lord's life and times according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It examines the background of the world into which Christ came "when the time had fully come." It focuses on His life from the Annunciation to the Ascension. It also stresses His message and His method, including His parables and His miracles. Organized around three themes -- the world, the Man, and the message -- this study helps students integrate their understanding of Christ's life and work with a clear commitment to live by the principles He taught and the values He demonstrated.
Video Tutorials
In this video, we'll cover how to use the online training platform. The basics of the website and how the semester will work.
In this video, we'll through the Textbook. We'll cover how to use it, study tips, and important information about the book in connection with our class.
Dates and Times - (*Dates/Times subject to change)
- 6 week course
- April 23 - June 3
- The final will need to be completed by Sunday, June 3.
- Schedule a day to take the exam with your Academic Dean by Wednesday, May 30.
- Scriptures Covered
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- Psalms 1-42
The online videos will be greatly beneficial and important for your learning. However, you MUST READ the textbook and be diligent in studying the material if you want to pass the class! Ephesians 5 tells us to, "Make the most of every opportunity," so don't miss out on this season you've been blessed with.
If there are any questions regarding the material or content of what you're learning, feel free to ask in the comment box of the week you are studying, or send an email to Pastor Will